
Showing posts from April, 2023

Strieby Photography basic learning to help compose good landscape compositions

Being a landscape photographer for many years now, I feel I’ve been really fortunate enough to see and capture some amazingly beautiful landscapes that I would not normally see if I was not in the field of  landscape photography .  Beforehand my   trips are very carefully planned and the places I capture all are chosen for their beautiful compositions (In another blog we will go over more in-depth how I choose my locations) For now let’s go over a few basic ways to compose, frame, and create a compelling composition. Assuming you are hoping to take your landscape photography to the next level. You don’t have to run out and buy costly new equipment to make astonishing landscapes; probably the most effective way to make visually surprising landscapes is by becoming amazing at the composition. A great composition is the main element in photography besides light. It’s the essence of  landscape photography  and ties everything together for the most extreme effect. We all can utiliz